Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Into the Lion's Den.....GRRRRR

I am having a tough time with some people. I was raised to be honest and to tell the truth if asked. But this whole talking bad about your family behind their back and be all smiles and sugar to their face is beyond me. It really hurts. Can you truly call yourself a Christian if you do this. I am torn. I am in a difficult position right now, in that we live with one of the people. And even though we are very appreciative of their generosity at what cost are were here. My sanity for one! I know I am ranting, but this is my safe place. I have been praying, and believe me that is the only thing that is keeping me from going street rat crazy on these people. Ya know you get hurt once and don't say anything is one thing but many many many times is another. There is only so much that a person should have to endure! well, here I go into the lions den........Lord send your angels ahead like you did for Daniel.....Amen

---La La.