Saturday, February 6, 2010

keepin' it goin'

So today is mine and Ryan's 13th anniversary of our first date!

I remember it so clearly, how cute and sweet it was and how much I was in-love with him! You see, the first time I ever saw Ryan was when I was in the 11th grade. He was attending the junior college in my home town. I was in the drill team and it was the day of our homecoming parade. We were all lined up to start the parade. I looked over to a group of guys from the drum line, and there was Ryan talking to guys from my high school. I was completely in-crush with him. I didn't know his name or where he was from. Well, that day came and went. I really didn't' think anymore about him, cuz really he was much older than me and I didn't know who he was. Years went by and I tried out and made the drill team from the junior college Ryan had attended. There I met this girl named Charlotte Green. We hit it off immediately! I was dating this guy whom I thought was "the one", but Charlotte had someone else in mind. We were at a game in Navaro when Charlotte introduced me to her friend of many years....RYAN!!! I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to think.....I was soooo excited. It took a few months before we actually dated, but it happened and we had our first date on February 6th 1997.. And the rest is history REALLY REALL REALLY GREAT HISTORY!!!!

All I can say is......I love you baby, and I am so happy. I can't wait for the next 13, and the next and the next and the next and so on!!

----La La

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